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What we're working on

Our portfolio is carefully composed to ensure a balance between short term initiatives aimed at improving existing core business and long-term activities designed to explore new business models.


Advanced biofuel

运输部门占二氧化碳的很大一部分2 emissions worldwide. 通过从非粮食生物质中制造先进的生物燃料, there is a potential for substituting fossil fuels with renewable alternatives and contributing to decarbonising the transportation sector. Silva Green Fuel, Statkraft和Södra的合资企业, 目前是否正在建设先进生物燃料生产示范工厂, second generation biofuel.



Green hydrogen has the potential to replace fossil fuels to generate electricity and heat, as fuel for heavy transportation and as a raw material in industrial processes and products.  With a storage capacity that is significantly higher than batteries while also reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions, hydrogen can play a key role in future energy systems and we are also studying how fuel cell technology and ammonia can contribute to zero emission energy systems.

Man standing in forest
图片来源:Hans Fredrik Asbjørnsen

Rune Gjessing, Silva Green Fuel首席执行官兼Statkraft生物燃料主管.



发展mg线上电子游戏的风能和太阳能业务, we are focusing on strengthening Statkraft’s competitiveness for future investments. Within wind power, we are working diligently to both reduce cost and increase production over the lifetime of the wind farm. We need to test new innovative solutions and develop tools and methods to improve site selection and optimise operation and maintenance. In solar, mg线上电子游戏的目标是站在新兴技术的顶端, 开发工具来支持mg线上电子游戏的技术和选址, 为工厂设计开发仿真和优化工具.


As our Nordic hydropower portfolio ages and needs increasing levels of maintenance, mg线上电子游戏正在开发更有效和高效的操作解决方案 提高mg线上电子游戏发电厂零部件的预期寿命. Statkraft是北欧水电研究的推动力量, 但mg线上电子游戏也将mg线上电子游戏的经验和专业知识应用到mg线上电子游戏的风能上, 北欧以外的太阳能和水电资产. mg线上电子游戏的一些重点领域包括水库的沉积物管理, models and tools to support optimized lifetime strategies and turbine performance and troubleshooting powered by artificial intelligence.

New market models

Energy management is our key tool for optimising power production from our own and our customers’ assets. To remain leading within energy management, our market models must be fit for the future. We are currently initiating updating our market and dispatch models across all our markets and technologies to ensure robustness, flexibility and scalability.

Algorithmic trading

断断续续的能量在上升, the short-term energy markets have become much more difficult to predict and the need to be able to make quick and correct decisions is more important than ever. By combining the technology of 人工智能的算法交易 以及机器学习,使交易过程完全自动化, we can improve the speed and accuracy of our trades and create more value for our customers. We are currently working on developing a fully automatable trading platform and trading algorithms for our products.

Meeting flexibility demands

随着风能和太阳能等间歇性技术的兴起, we are increasingly focusing on how we can optimise our hydropower plants to maximise flexibility. 其目的是提供稳定可靠的电力供应, 但这需要mg线上电子游戏以不同的方式运营mg线上电子游戏的发电厂. mg线上电子游戏还专注于开发风力发电系统服务, 如有功功率均衡控制.


Statkraft participates in two of the EU's Horizon2020 hydropower development projects. The projects both aim at the development of technologies and solutions providing flexible energy production.


Hybrid solutions that combine our different renewable energy sources can be the solution to reliable and affordable energy supply. We are looking into the feasibility and competitiveness of storage and hybrid solutions for wind and solar and we are also currently testing a new floating solar plant mg线上电子游戏在阿尔巴尼亚的一个水电站.

Blackboard full of code
Photo: Oliver Tjaden



Climate change adaptation

The climate is changing. Many of our innovation activities are geared towards mitigating the effects of climate change, 但mg线上电子游戏也专注于让mg线上电子游戏的业务适应不可避免的情况. 通过深入的研究和开发, we are working to improve the climate resilience of our facilities as well as the knowledge basis for our future investment decisions. Within hydropower, our primary focus is on the effects of climate change on hydrology and how we can mitigate the negative and leverage the positive effects.


Although renewable energy is climate friendly, it might lead to other environmental impacts. mg线上电子游戏非常注重创新和研发&因此,气候倡议增加了mg线上电子游戏对气候的认识, 对环境和社会的影响 平衡这些与世界对可再生能源的需求. We are also committed to identifying a climate neutral approach for our district heating business.

Water reservoir
Photo: Karl H. Ystanes

Regulated watercourses and reservoirs can be effective protection measures against flood damage as the climate changes around us.

Digitalising renewables

为了提高mg线上电子游戏可再生资产的效率,mg线上电子游戏正在探索 modern sensor technology, advanced data analyses, 算法和机器学习提供新的见解 mg线上电子游戏的可再生能源发电厂. We invest in testing new technologies on the market that have the potential to supplement or replace traditional methods, 例如用于水道检查的远程操作车辆(ROV), surveillance drones, creek intakes and dams, 注射以减少空化, 组件建模和数字孪生. 目标是利用零部件的整个预期寿命, 同时避免电厂的故障和计划外停机. We also have an ambition of adding value to our energy management through machine learning algorithms and increased automation.


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